Sound Healing at San Quentin
Sound Healing at Sound Quentin It was my 2nd time playing for the men inside San Quentin prison this last Sunday, From the checkpoint guards to the 40+ inmates, I was received with respect…graciously, in fact. The men were thoughtful, receptive and deeply moved by the...
Sharing Sound Healing with Children Through Bread & Roses
Children streamed quietly into the sunny room, sitting shoulder-to-shoulder, cross-legged in tight rows on the floor in front of the stage. “Hola! Hello!” Eyes bright with curious anticipation, these young 4-5 year old bilingual students glanced excitedly at each other and the assembled instruments of world civilizations ancient and modern. René Jenkins, an accomplished “pied piper” of the heart, drew them into the performance with the haunting sounds of a didgeridoo speaking initially in a mesmerizing drone evolving with pulsed breath into a swirling dance as the melodic rhythm overtook the room.

René Jenkins is a professional musician, Ceremonial Sound Practitioner, Healing Performance and Recording Artist from Sonoma, California. For more than 25 years, René performs sound healing concerts, blessings and ceremonies for individuals and special groups throughout the US and internationally. While embracing the ancestral wisdom from cross-cultural anthropologist Angeles Arrien, Kashaya-Pomo elder/healer Lorin Smith, and renowned South American sound healer/musician Tito La Rosa, René raises consciousness-vibration through Sacred Sound and Intention.
Phone: 707-939-9827 | Email: HealingVibes (at) sonic.net | Sonoma, California